Sunday 21 February 2021

Communicating With A Dreaming Person Is Possible - NOVA

From tripping the light fantastic, three letter agency-style, to a more common altered state of consciousness, Dante Graves explains the conclusions inspiring his remarkable lede. It's a remarkable inversion of the Gateway Experience as Emma Chabani explains her quesiton, "Can the awareness of a lucid dream extend to the outside world?" Keeping with today's theme, Tristan Greene lays out how Experimental Brain Research Makes It Seem Less Likely We're Living In The Matrix. In short, people who can not perceive their physical boundaries are still able to establish those in their mind. Is it enough to throw out the simulation hypothesis based upon two subjects? Synthesizing the two topics is Alex Tsakiris with Dr. Doug Matzke, Quantum Computers, And Extended Consciousness. While Matzke's research is redolent of science fiction, there's a lot of real science mingled with quantum theory making for a mind-blowing conversation. (CS)

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