Monday 1 February 2021

Terror Management Theory and the Headless Nun of Watton Priory - EsoterX

We're still staring down the barrel of a gun named Pandemic and the past year has provided enough trauma to keep therapists in business well past retirement. This is where religion and beliefs in ghosts, hauntings, and the Afterlife come into play as we try to mitigate the inevitability of our own deaths. Nothing like a spook carrying around her own head to send us searching for similarities in our own lives, if only to avoid a similar fate. In the case of a 12th century pregnant nun tortured by her fellow sisters though, there seems to be no record of her or anyone else having lost their head. Perhaps spirit likes to speak in metaphor. So while we cope with the resultant existential crisis, we may as well be productive and make plans for our pending afterlife. Perhaps head to US east coast because Maine Has More Ghost Sightings Per Capita Than Any Other State. May as well be gainfully employed, even if we are dead. We might even become movie stars. The Haunted Excelsior Hotel May Have Inspired the Movie “Poltergeist�. The paranormal goings on may have inspired more than just that one movie. No doubt it also has inspired a fair number of nightmares and, for some, a return to religion. (CM)

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