Thursday 18 February 2021

Strange and Mysterious UFO Photographs: The UFO Phenomenon, Part 1 - Mysterious Universe

The best sources of anomalous data are arguably registered by means outside the human sensory system. For two UFO photographic examples we go to Nick Redfern, who immediately throws us a "curveball." These are missing photographs, with uncertain provenance and high significance if "genuine." Nick's first article may make you read Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife, a chilling and important work published by Anomalist Books. Strange and Mysterious Photographs: The UFO Phenomenon, Part 2 offers an unsettling story that seemingly supports the generally-discredited notion of a "real" Roswell Alien Autopsy. With Strange and Mysterious Photographs, Part 3 we pivot to cryptids--real, imaginary, or hyped. Here we actually have a photo of a very strange thing indeed, and it's debatable whether it's "the Green-Faced Monkey of Churtson Woods," "the Beast of Brassknocker Hill," or someone in a seriously weird suit. We like Nick's own suggestion best. And in Strange and Mysterious Photographs, Part 4 there's also a snapshot, and this time the creature is known to science, but perplexingly is over a thousand miles removed from its native habitat. Nick suggests exciting/scary possibilities from this fact. (WM)

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