Thursday 18 February 2021

Dr. Stephen Braude, The Veil of Stupidity - Skeptiko

Host Alex Tsakiris interviews philosopher, parapsychologist, and editor of the Journal of Scientific Exploration about a variety of topics covered in his latest book Dangerous Pursuits (Anomalist Books). The key quote from Braude that relates to the title of the show: "For people who are skeptical about psi phenomena, it’s almost as if a veil of stupidity descends over them, and then they start going into kind of conceptual panic. And they panic more I think initially over PK than ESP, although ESP on the surface seems to threaten the idea of mental privacy. It’s very easy to explain why people freak out over PK, if I can move, let’s say, a matchstick a millimeter by thought alone, it’s a very small step conceptually, from doing that to making somebody drop dead." Sticking with the topic of mediumship and spirits, New Thinking Allowed host Jeffery Mishlove interviews A Photographer Among the Spirits: Shannon Taggart. The author of the new book Séance, Taggart talks about her introduction to the spiritualist community of Lily Dale, New York, located near her childhood home of Buffalo. Following which, for the last two decades, she has engaged in a journey of photographic exploration of the history and mysteries of spiritualism, attending many séances and classes, plus working closely with mediums around the has Stephen Braude. (PH)

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