Wednesday 17 February 2021

Siberian Craters Are Forming Faster and Deeper Than Ever - Mysterious Universe

Remember those holes opening up in the earth around Siberia like a pock marked path to the gates of hell? They're multiplying. Scientists have now confirmed that they're related to rising methane breaking the surface of the earth's crust, and while fart jokes will help break the tension, they won't help if/when the phenomenon makes its way into more populated areas. But it's not all bad news. Fairy Circles May Be Proof the World is Going to Survive. The natural world at least. Allow us to quote directly from Paul Seaburn's report: "...saltmarsh fairy circles merge in times of stress and ultimately form larger, more plant-heavy fairy circles that are more resilient during and after an ecological disaster." Someone call Greta and share the news.  (CM)

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