Wednesday 17 February 2021

RE: Inquiry to Verify AATIP FOIA - Twitter

In an addendum to a rather different question about the Anthony Bragalia/DIA FOIA fuss, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough has pronounced upon whether the documents Bragalia received referred to tests of UFO debris. Unsurprisingly, researcher Roger Glassel gets a negative on that score. Nonetheless, Glassel has a subsequent tweet at Regardless of the Bragalia vs Pentagon controversy, that has him singing "UFO Summer!" A propos of the materials squabble, John Greenewald, Jr., offers a look at what one document actually talking "about a piece of a UFO that was analyzed" looks like. As shown in John's Exploitation of Metallic Fragment from Unidentified Flying Object, 4 May 1966, "it ain't pretty." John also offers more information about another controversial event in Jetpack Sighting over Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), August 30, 2020. The documents result from John's own FOIA requests regarding that weird situation. (WM)

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