Monday 8 February 2021

Pseudoarchaeology in Archaeology--1 - Alternate Perceptions Magazine

Highly-regarded authorities in traditional archaeology suffer a scathing but effective rebuke in this Greg Little piece. It appears that Kenneth Feder and particularly the august Smithsonian Institution are guilty of at the very least academic "carelessness," and perhaps more. Corrections seem in order here. Speaking of controversies, Paul Seaburn seems skeptical about the Possible True Purpose of the Mysterious Nazca Lines Revealed. So are we, but at least we've learned a new word here: "tourismologist." It gets worse, as an Art History Professor in China Claims Egyptian Pyramids are Modern Fakes. Jason Colavito thankfully notes this and other as outlandish assertions have been criticized by the Art History prof's colleagues. We end with some proper academic speculation as Charles O. Choi informs The Story You Heard about Genghis Khan's Death is Probably All Wrong. A recent multidisciplinary study offers "a more reasonable conclusion and retrospective diagnosis" for the Universal Ruler's demise, with possible "lessons for the present." (WM)

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