Monday 15 February 2021

Pentagon Caught Contradicting Itself On UFO Debris -- Misleads Civilian Research Group "Black Vault" - UFO Conjectures

Rich Reynolds gives the UFO Conjectures podium to Anthony Bragalia defending his recent claim the Pentagon has admitted to analyzing UFO crash materials. Bragalia provides communications he believes substantiates his position, and says he's initiated a lawsuit "to uncover the underlying truth." John Greenewald, Jr., whose video Did the Pentagon Just Admit to having UFO Debris? (Spoiler Alert: No) - Here's What REALLY Happened challenged these assertions in detail, offers Murky Waters Drowning "UFO Debris" Claims. Greenewald analyzes Bragalia/Pentagon correspondence, his own experience with FOIAs, and interchanges with the Pentagon and Hal Puthoff to bolster his contention the five Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) Bragalia got did not evaluate "UAP debris in hand." Rich Reynolds attempts to referee the kerfuffle in The UFO Debris Controversy: My Take (As if That's Worthwhile), calling Bragalia and Greenewald "both gentlemen and good guys." And more third-party commentary on this as well as two long-running topics comes from Kevin Randle and his interviewee in Don Schmitt: Part Two (Socorro, Abductions, and Tony's Theory. (WM)

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