Monday 1 February 2021

Pakistani Airline Crew Spots 'Foo Fighter' - Coast2CoastAM

On January 23rd a Pakistan International Airlines cockpit crew cell phone captured an image Tim Binnall says reminds "UFO enthusiasts" of those glowing orbs that bothered both Allied and Axis pilots during World War II. The Times of India claims the PIA Airbus A-320 Pilot Spots 'Very Shiny UFO' over Pakistan, Says Could Be 'Space Station', 'Artificial Planet' -- which seems a little grandiose. Ufoofinterest's Scott Brando's credible answer to the question Pakistani Pilot Spotted a 'Massive UFO' in Karachi Sky? A Possible Explanation of a balloon. However, the Commercial Pilots Swear UFO Over Pakistan Was Not a Balloon. That from Paul Seaburn, who also says the "Foo Fighter" identification doesn't match the behavior of electrical discharges or reflective ice crystals some associate with that historic UFO phenomenon. And Punjab University space scientist Javed Sami calls the whole thing a False Alarm: PIA Pilot Mistook Saucer-like Cloud for a UFO. (WM)

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