Friday 5 February 2021

Irish Residents Have the Best Chance of Spotting a UFO - Mysterious Universe

Okay, let the jokes about Irish whiskey begin, but this headline caught our attention. With less than 5 million inhabitants (2020), Ireland still trounces France (67 million population, last year) and Spain (almost 47 million) in European UFO reports, says Jocelyne LeBlanc. Maybe the common language with Peter Davenport's National UFO Reporting Center resource helps, but it's still an interesting datum. LeBlanc then pivots to Northern Ireland, for a more detailed discussion of its cases, far fewer numerically but boasting one absolutely bonkers report. Inexplicata's Scott Corrales reminds us that one South American country is no slouch in UFO cases, either, per Argentina: Giant UFO Recorded over Several Cities in Rio Negro. Also in late December in Argentina: The Mysterious Object at Arroyo La Tela provoked an Argentinean UFO Foundation investigation. Luis Burgos explains both the sighting and the researchers' conclusions. (WM)

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