Tuesday, 15 December 2020

The Shadow Over Newburyport - EsoterX

We've all heard about how much tougher things were in times past. Walking miles uphill to school through three feet of snow, inexplicable hauntings disrupting the lesson plans...Seems a schoolhouse in 1870 New England faced more than its fair share of challenges when a series of inexplicable events lead investigators to conclude that whatever was going on, it wasn't a schoolboy hoax. The fact that a hoax seemed a likely possibility at all was proof that "Ghosts had to work a little harder in 19th Century New England to get your attention." Things didn't get much easier for spooks seeking fame in the next century either. The Strange Story of the Cornell Ghost Experiments describes an experiment conducted by British parapsychologist Anthony Donald Cornell in 1960 to determine how people might respond to seeing a g-g-g-ghost. All in all they were rather underwhelmed, which proved quite the disappointment for the researcher. Evidently no one called his acting skills into question so we'll never know if the work of a good ghost was just never done, or if Cornell was simply a really bad actor. (CM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/387gVd1

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