Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Montana's Dubious UFO Landing of 1964 - The Saucers That Time Forgot

Whatever the cause(s) behind UFO events, they are largely human experiences. While this first case must be suspected solely a human involvement, the story behind the initial report and its aftermath says much about the various predispositions of its 1964 era. At the end of that year, the Warminster 'Thing' Arrived Christmas Morning, and plagued the inhabitants of this Wiltshire, England, burg for years afterwards. Fast forward to 1978 for Bill Chalker's Let's Hope They're Friendly - Quentin Fogarty and the Kaikoura Lights. Journalist Fogarty was witness to a controversial filmed exhibition that intrigued, indeed perplexed him for the rest of his life. Ufologist Chalker relates the Kaikoura Lights story and the difficulties Dr. Bruce Maccabee encountered trying to get the scientific world to take his research seriously. And we return to Curt Collins for an anniversary of an iconic Close Encounter in 40 Years and the Cash-Landrum UFO Case. The terrifying ordeal two women and a child underwent on a lonely Texas road in late 1980 left severe physical as well as psychological scars. (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/2JrK5LC

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