Thursday, 17 December 2020

Antikythera Mechanism: Evidence of a Lunar Calendar, Parts 1 and 2 - British Horological Institute

A new study of one of antiquity's celebrated conundrums challenges "the century-long assumption of a 365-day calendar on the Antikythera Mechanism," according to the authors of a new paper. Not only do they give a synopsis of their findings and methods supporting them, but the full paper may be downloaded. More challenges to traditional archaeological "givens" come from a Stonehenge Breakthrough: 'Remarkable' Find Suggested Builders 'More Advanced than Thought'. Callum Hoare reports it's all got to do with the Stonehenge site not being "on the level." The builders were advanced enough to compensate for the east side being lower than the west. And a back-and-forth from much earlier times seems to be resolved as another new analysis concludes that a Child's Bones Buried 40,000 Years Ago Solve Long-standing Neanderthal Mystery. Peter Dockrill says that contemporary doubts that Neanderthals intentionally buried their dead stem from relatively substandard previous research methods, and "the old conclusions were correct." Amazingly here, too, "the lay of the land" was compensated for by those who laid a two-year-old child's body to rest. (WM)

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