Monday 5 October 2020

Alien Shock: When Roswell Family Secrets Are Revealed - UFO Explorations

Anthony Bragalia reveals differing responses by the kin of potential Roswell participants he contacted who did not know or care to acknowledge that involvement. Some relatives simply did not want to know, discuss, or even be reminded of it. Some were predominantly thankful that this unknown aspect of their loved one's past had come to light. The article reminds us of the very human side to what is still ufology's largest conundrum. The Bizarre Mass UFO Sighting at Wanaque Reservoir is another case with profound human impact. Brent Swancer details a January 1966 event that "involves many reliable witnesses, a strange, otherworldly craft, and a possible insidious government cover-up." The years 1947 and 1966 are famous for especially great UFO reporting activity; Nick Redfern tells of A Lesser-Known UFO Wave: Amazing Activity in 1957 in the United Kingdom. Nick relates some of the most significant cases from military files that "stayed hidden for decades." (WM)

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