Wednesday 30 September 2020

Updating UFO History - The Saucers that Time Forgot

One of the most important UFO resources in recent memory has just been created by the multi-talented George Eberhart. Curt Collins delineates what's behind George's UFOs and Intelligence: A Timeline, and its potential uses. Curt also notes some historically significant images from Louis Taylor. Danny Silva brings up another possible piece of the ufological past in USS Boxer had UFO Event in 1998. Next we have The Carter Administration's Attempt to Create a NASA UFO Commission, which helpfully resurrects "an almost-forgotten episode in the official history of American ufology." This excellent piece by Antonio Huneeus is reprinted from the Open Minds print magazine of 2014. (Does anyone know what's happened to Antonio, who seems to be MIA?) And finally Kevin Randle analyzes one man's perspective on the American UFO and military narrative in his George Filer and "Strange Craft". Kevin gives a qualified recommendation to John L. Guerra's new book Strange Craft: The True Story of An Air Force Intelligence Officer's Life with UFOs. (WM)

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