Monday 6 July 2020

When Synchronicity Fails - Skunkworks

Will UFOs always remain inscrutable to us? Bryan Sentes seems to feel the "UFO" is essentially impenetrable--"the truth of the UFO remains tantalizingly ever out of reach." We even lack the concepts to understand the Mystery. Bryan counters Carl Jung's treatment of UFOs with In the Air: Problems with Jung, Archetypes, and Flying Saucers. Bryan invites us to consider the historical context of the late '40s as "both qualified and unqualified observers" cast anxious eyes toward the skies. He posits patterns of "reassurance and fear" operating then, and now, on more than one level, in which Time and Place impact the "thought and feeling" of the locals, and no elaborate invocation of Jungian archetypes or Collective Unconscious is needed to understand what's going on. In Pedantic Outrage or Sloppy Scholarship? Bryan tweaks Jeffrey Kripal for "a single, passing, less-than-precise passage," again invoking "space and time." More importantly, Bryan sees Kripal's asserted bobble as another example of the commercial "dumbing down" (in the sense of "evident deviations from full-throttle scholarship") of recent works such as David Halperin's Intimate Alien and Diana Walsh Pasulka's American Cosmic. A bit of "full-throttle German philosophical tradition," says Bryan, would have made the works of these authors--whom Bryan extensively praises otherwise--more solid treatments of the ufological mystery. (WM)

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