Monday 6 July 2020

Len Stringfield--Liar? - A Different Perspective

Our focus on UFO researchers starts with an impassioned and reasonable defense of the integrity of late crash-retrieval collector Len Stringfield. Kevin Randle also denounces "those who just can't seem to make a point without calling names and attempting to assassinate character." In this vein, Hakan Blomqvist relates a dramatic CEIII in UFO-Sweden Memories - Angelholm 1996. But what to do with a contact tale that was taken seriously by a serious research organization, but has not aged well during the years since the teller's death? And investigators take note of Nick Redfern's monitory UFO Researchers: The Real Reasons Why You Are Being Secretly Watched. Nick notes that his On the Trail of the Saucer Spies: UFOs and Government Surveillance, published by Anomalist Books, has been vindicated time and again, particularly in a book by British researchers David Clarke and Andy Roberts. John Keel takes us back to internecine ufological squabbles and A Letter to Lynn Catoe, January 5, 1968. A good window into the nutty world of ufology in the late '60s! (WM)

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