Wednesday 8 July 2020

What Happened to Dennis Martin? - Texas Cryptid Hunter

The summer of 1969 in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park was marred by the disappearance of a small boy that brought out one of the largest volunteer search parties to date. As such, it may well be inaccurate to say Dennis Martin disappeared without a trace, as the sheer numbers and widespread lack of experience on the parts of many search party members resulted in both destruction of some evidence and dismissal of other clues. Stranger still was the involvement of US Special Forces troops and police dogs that refused to follow a scent. And what about the report of a "bear man" walking upright in the woods? There would be no closure for this child's family, nor the family of this next individual. The Weird Vanishing of Susan Adams is similar to our first report, in that a sane and content person walked into the forest and seemingly ceased to exist. Attempts to search the area turned up nothing, even as temperatures dropped and hypothermia reduced her chances of survival. What is it about these deep pockets of nature that keep their secrets so close to their chests and never give up their lost? (CM)

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