Wednesday 8 July 2020

Uncovering the Secrets of the Indus Valley Civilization and its Undeciphered Script - Haaretz

Perhaps the earliest true civilization remains largely mysterious, thanks to the intractability of its writing. Scholars aren't even agreed upon what the Indus Valley civilization symbols were for, report Qaseem Saeed and Ruth Schuster. But what is known about the people of Mohenjo Daro is fascinating and well-covered in this article. It's not even established why the Indus civilization's cities were vacated, but Paul Seaburn gives us a Modern Reason Why the Maya Abandoned Ancient City of Tikal. A multi-disciplinary study has reached an undramatic yet believable and ultimately sad conclusion about this particular Mayan site's downfall. A surprising, revolutionary archaeological technique is profiled in The Dogs That Sniff Out 5,000-Year-Old Bones. Jill Neimark has the story, which makes a lot of "scents." Okay, dogs assisting archaeology, check; how about "mud burglars"? Ghulam Hussain Khawaja takes us to a location in Pakistan's Sindh Province, with the Ruins of Ancient Fort 'Accidentally' Discovered in Thatta after Two Decades of Research. It wasn't even grave robbing that finally unearthed Dollah Darya Khan's fortress. (WM)

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