Monday 20 July 2020

The Evil Satanic Cult (Supposedly) Behind Cattle Mutilations - Bizarre and Grotesque

It's no secret that the spate of 1970s cattle mutilations has never been explained in any sort of satisfactory manner. Nor is it any secret that the favorite culprits to point fingers at are aliens. But one so-called expert at the time was more interested in blaming a Satanic Cult whose alleged activities he described in details proving patently false. And so this confused attention seeker became part of the history of Cattle Mutilations: Files, the Police, and Controversial Theories. Unexplained "pod prints" around mutilated cattle carcasses; strange indentations indicating drops from great heights; oily substances and strangely colored bodily fluids; higher than normal radiation levels. Whoever or whatever was responsible for killing these animals remains unknown to this day, and we agree with Nick Redfern that this is a mystery best left in the past, albeit unsolved. (CM)

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