Monday 20 July 2020

Space Oddity: Mexican Group Claims Alien Base Offers Hurricane Protection - The Guardian

Entity doings in unexpected locations. Cody Copeland's The Guardian article considers a possible advantage to living near a supposed underwater UFO operation. The connection with older faith-based explanations is instructive, as is a local "former official historian's" statement "Fantasy is always more attractive than reality." Paul Seaburn's attention was caught by Copeland's story and the result is Man Visits Alien Base He Believes is Protecting Mexican Town from Hurricanes. Paul's bemused by the confidence now being placed in the locals' "collective mind" versus good ol' alien intervention to repulse nasty weather. Nick Redfern has a trio of odd beings in common places posts. In Aliens in the Supermarket: Close Encounters of the Check-Out Kind?! Nick gives us four sets of such cases, including an interpretation of "parallel dimension mind control programs" at Walmart! Aliens Among Us: In Bars, Clothes Stores and More! are led by an encounter from Mac Tonnies' The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us, published by Anomalist Books. Then there's a meet-up with a weird couple, the female of whom "smelled just like formalin." Nick completes his unsettling trilogy with Diners and Restaurants: Where the Aliens Hang Out. (WM)

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