Wednesday 15 July 2020

Summa Faeryologica, Pt 6 - The Big Study

The Professor returns to discuss what he considers are some "areas of research which are closely related to Faery." This installment deals with "Balls of Light" (BOLs), a very various set of phenomena with many probable causes indeed, as this post sets forth. Some may even be "conscious," a startling "(soft) conclusion" reached rather courageously by an estimable scientist. A fascinating "people" story, and we can expect further from the Professor with the other two Faery-closely-related categories: "Poltergeists" and "Jottles." Coincidentally, Hakan Blomqvist's Visitors From the Multiverse deals with balls of light. As to "consciousness" here, how about the BOLs "suddenly transforming into some type of entity"--or the reverse? Blomqvist provides a trio of examples from Albert Rosales and four from Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, author of Space Age Indians: Their Encounters with the Blue Men, Reptilians, and Other Star People, published by Anomalist Books. (WM)

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