ReactiveQ CEO Deep Prasad has come recently to the UFO field and offers a theory he neither wants us to believe nor disbelieve. Good. Deep is undoubtedly a brilliant fellow, but many of us have been inordinately influenced by the first brilliant minds, captivating books, and exciting theories that are out there. Jason Colavito rambles a bit in a typically jaundiced appreciation with
Deep Prasad Alleges Multiple Alien Species Visit Earth, Meet with U.S. Officials. But evidence should be adduced to support a published belief in, say, alien bases on the moon and the hidden purpose behind the internet. Jack Brewer also criticizes Prasad for
Normalizing the Fantastic and Resisting the Rational. Ideally, a Grand Ufological Theory results from a matured combination of personal experiences and reflection upon wide-ranging reading in different topics and from varying perspectives, witness interviews, and subjecting ideas to and dialogue with other researchers--informed by outside "tools" in scientific, technical, and cultural areas. Jack's article flows from his own particular data-and-experiential set and references one of his primary foci, abduction studies; compare this with Hakan Blomqvist's approach to alien visitation and the notion of Earth as
The Quarantined Planet. These articles certainly provide an inkling of the variety in the more literate writing in ufology. (WM)
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