Friday 15 May 2020

UFO Conspiracy Theorists Offer 'Ascension' From Our Hell World for $333 - Motherboard

Every once in a while an article gets one's blood boiling. This is one of those pieces. MJ Banias lets the words of New Age Ufology gurus David Wilcock and Corey Goode make his points about "peddling salvation, protection from the 'illuminati deep state,' and bogus COVID-19 explanations to millions on YouTube." Banias references other sources for the wider arena of cult mentality and recruitment in the cyber age. Some stories illustrate the extreme potential consequences from individual investment in such conspiracist and quasi-religious movements. There's also a rather intertwined and distasteful series of personal charges and attacks going on behind the glitzy videos and such, and it will be interesting to hear further from MJ as to any further legal maneuverings. (WM)

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