Friday 15 May 2020

Many Americans Believe in Bigfoot (But Not as Much as Aliens) - Mysterious Universe

Statistics are only as good as the data they gather, and the data gathered is only as good as the sources its gathered from.  So forgive us if we take the stats for beliefs in Bigfoot and ET and their associated conspiracies with a great big grain of salt. Many experiencers won't admit to their encounters and many naysayers are only too happy to disavow the believers. Who do you trust? Well, someone like Loren Coleman is a great start. His report on Not-So-Abominable Masks makes a compelling argument that these carvings by the Indigenous peoples are more than their thoughts on Sasquatch. They are likely actual depictions of the Hairy Man as encountered throughout their history. All we need do is examine the information that's right before us to know what an entire segment of our population believes. (CM)

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