Tuesday 12 February 2019

Scientists Studying Near-Death Experiences Predict What Happens After Death - Inverse

At first glance, you might think this article is just another post written by a science-y curmudgeon who likes nothing better than to spoil everyone's fun because he wasn't invited to Jimmy's birthday party 37 years ago. Look again. Yes, there are a multitude of scientific explanations for an assortment of NDEs, but none of them explain everything. The author willingly concludes there is much about the NDE we don't understand--sending a team of researchers into the void only works on the big screen. For more on the subject, Carlos Alvarado provides abstracts of Recent Articles About Near-Death Experiences: II. Then there's the problem of Frightening Near Death Experiences , which run the gamut from torture by demons to existential voids. Making matters worse (as if you could make a situation worse than dying) is the shame that accompanies these negative NDEs. Evidently humans can find a reason for self loathing in Every Single Situation. But there is no judgement here, as the author explains that there appears to be no definitive reason for NDEs. We're not sure if that's a comforting thought. (CM)

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from THE ANOMALIST http://bit.ly/2S0PM1z

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