Tuesday 12 February 2019

Flying Saucer Contactees and the New Age - Mark Russell Bell's Blog

The Contactees of the 50s through 70s form a peripheral but significant aspect to the history of UFOs. Mark Russell Bell profiles four of the most important of these interesting people: Truman Bethurum, Orfeo Angelucci, Daniel Fry, and Arthur Shuttlewood. A George Adamski follower is the subject of the correspondence between John Keel and Lou Zinsstag. Keel's thinking in 1966 that "the dawn is certainly coming" in the UFO story is worth reflecting upon in the wake of chronic "Disclosure" outbreaks and the excitement prompted by the December 2017 announcements and still held by some. Snapshots of alleged UFOs are the issue here and in Hakan Blomqvist's mind, as he asks Who Is The Photographer? for three photos purportedly taken in Merlin, Oregon, in November 1968. And Blomqvist's research on the matter only made things murkier, so he's asking for help from anyone with information on this real mystery. (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST http://bit.ly/2WY9peg

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