Monday 4 February 2019

Russian Authorities Launch New Investigation into Dyatlov Pass Incident! - Coast to Coast AM

It's been 60 years since nine hikers in the mountains of Russia met their deaths under circumstances that remain unexplained and disturbing. Russian authorities have reopened the case with fresh intentions to find out what really happened. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist for your spidey senses to be tingling right now. Since the Ural Mountains are not likely to become the next big Russian tourist destination, someone in government has decided there's something to be gained by finding out who/what killed those hikers. But while this mystery is downright confounding, Some Phantasms are Just Phoning It In. Esoterx does what he does best--clawing a societal tendency apart, examining its strands, and drawing a conclusion that makes us go "hmmm" while we're giggling at the humor he so easily pokes at us. Why do we love ghost stories and terrifying folklore? Because by wrapping disturbing events in narrative we are able to assess our own "relative risk." A macabre event is no longer a random occurrence. We have control, however illusionary it might be. We make ourselves safe in an unsafe world. This post makes us feel smarter for the reading, albeit a little less safe with the self knowledge that we're kidding ourselves and that werewolf is still going to make us dinner at the next full moon.  (CM)

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