Monday 4 February 2019

A Flying Saucer (Maybe) and Four Martinis - Mysterious Universe

Nick Redfern starts off a quartet of Mysterious Universe articles with a diverting but important story about how the May 1953 Kingman Arizona crash retrieval case came to be. Nick then focuses on an interesting misapprehension in The "Top Secret" Brookings Report And Alien Life. Paul Seaburn sheds some conjectural light upon another small facet of history in his Newly Revealed Letter Implies Neil Armstrong Had an Interest in UFOs. He's cautious about the claims and would like to see stronger evidence. Some folks believe that UFOs (and their putative occupants) may be here to stay and are likely someday to announce themselves, so we'd better acclimate the public to that possibility. Robbie Graham explores this scenario in his When the Government Gave Hollywood Footage of A "Real" Alien Landing. With its component of alien-human contact, Robbie's tale echoes and perhaps surpasses the Kingman crash on the wow-meter. (WM)

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