Friday 8 February 2019

Blair Witch Director Seeks UFO Contact in New Movie - Mysterious Universe

Sometimes UFOs get a little too personal. Robbie Graham tells the usual story of a moviemaker who's "really and truly interested" in the UFO subject, but this one sounds like he's actually given the matter some serious thought. The supplied trailer is unpretentious and somehow attractive. This film could turn out to be more than just "a must-watch for UFO buffs." Nick Redfern relates a true tale in Alien Abduction, a Journalist, and a Sinister Saga. It's what happens when a reporter becomes part of the story he's researching, and it's got layers and layers of strange. Enter another case where the unknown gets too close for comfort, in The Day Mysterious Fireballs and Men in Black Descended on Philadelphia. Martin J. Clemens recounts a harrowing, not "fun" story, about a woman who was physically maimed and wholly terrified by something literally out of the blue, and then experienced a baffling early MIB-like encounter. (WM)

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