Saturday 9 February 2019

Black Swine At Gyb Farm - Haunted Ohio Books

G�n�� f�cái, true believers! Folks often hear of alien big cats, often of the melanistic variety, while Blighty is replete with dark dogs haunting their moors, but Chris Woodyard gets into the spirit with a haunted hog heralding hardship and tragedy. Similarly ephemeral, Malcolm Smith has a casebook concerning the Forgotten Sea Serpents of 1888-1889. Did this specimen "get around", as kids today like to put it, or proof of several similar specimens haunting America's shores? You be the judge! Running with this theme, Brett Tingley blows the doors off other cryptozoologists with a connection twixt the Three Dead Oarfish In Japan And The Next Catastrophic Earthquake. Let's all pray this is an urban legend, concocted from coincidence, rather than an ominous omen. (CS)

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