Monday 21 January 2019

Enemy Helicopters: Strange Lights In Vietnam - North Atlantic Blog

Here's a summary of some of the known, poorly-known, and questionable cases of U.S. forces-UFO interactions during the War in Vietnam. More recently, an odd event last December 11th has provoked an apparent armed response as Paul Seaburn reports Vladimir Putin Sends in Military after Siberians Blame UFO for Mountain Collapse. Although one witness is sure he saw a meteor fall on the night in question, a survey indicated a third of the locals thought "a UFO attack" was responsible for the damage. Paul provides a humorous article full of questions to ponder. Most recently, Argentina: Necochea Photographer Captures Strange Object Over Park presents another instance in which snapshots subsequently revealed something unnoticed by the photographer. If this is not a case of "photo blur," the thing certainly does look like a helicopter, but the witness would like photo analysis. (WM)

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