Monday 21 January 2019

Concerning the Unreal Reality and Real Reality of the UFO - Skunkworks

A tip of the hat to Rich Reynolds for bringing this article to light. Quebec scholar-poet Bryan Sentes dissects "ufology" and in the process makes useful distinctions worthy of reflection by those of us engaged in the various aspects he delineates. In that process he explains the "intellectual cover" that researchers in non-UFO (and non-STEM) fields--anthropology, cultural studies, history, psychology, for instance--can instance to justify studying the "UFO Effect." But are there case elements that cover both the reality of flying saucers and the cultural impact of UFO belief, such as the matter of The Socorro Symbol? Rich Reynolds poses an interesting question about that famous 1964 case. Then there's the Unbelievably Real UFO Sighting in the Desert Caught on Video, Uploaders Encourage Scrutiny. Adam Goldberg presents a video for which "the openness in which [it] was presented is a great sign to indicate that the footage is in fact real." As can be expected, sites like have weighed in on the matter; see the discussions at Utah Drone Video and Thoughts on This Newly Released Video? (WM)

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