Monday 26 November 2018

Antarctica: A UFO Sighting in the South Orkney Islands - Inexplicata

Well, it's actually not Antarctica itself, but on a winter night in 1961 the crew of an Argentinian military base on Laurie Island had a prolonged sighting of a reddish-orange light acting like a ship--impossible considering the time of year. Ruben Morales talked to some of the members of the outpost and learned that daytime sightings of solid objects cavorting about in anomalous fashion were also frequent. Moving north and much closer in time, Argentina: A Mothership in Coronel Vidal relates a November 16th incident. "Mothership" refers not to the craft's size but to a shape "like a flattened Zeppelin of some sort." From reading the account, might this have been an unusual balloon? In Mexico: UFOs Return to Leon Guillermo Santana Zendejas tells us about long-time UFO hunter and photographer Rigoberto Becerra Chavez. One wonders why Rigoberto is not yet ready to make public "two photographic gems--both of them disquieting." Would they affect tourism to incredibly beautiful and nearby World Heritage Site Guanajuato and its Mummy Museum? And back in the States, Brett Tingley describes a Mysterious Explosion in the Sky Seen and Photographed in California. Probably just a meteor, and nothing like the magnitude of what the folks in The Golden State have been experiencing of late. (WM)

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