Saturday 30 June 2018

Nighttime Paranoia

I'm sure many can relate to this, but as a kid I always felt that I was vulnerable at night when the lights are off and that something was watching me. I still feel this now, and I'm 19 years old, but its manageable. I stay awake until a point where I say fuck it, and just turn and sleep. But its only as soon as the rest of my family goes heads upstairs and goes to bed ( I sleep in a garage converted into a bedroom, only one downstairs at night). I can sleep soundly knowing that my parents or brother are downstairs watching TV or chillin on the couch. But as soon as they head up, I'm tossing around in bed looking over my shoulder. Also, there was a late night when I was browsing this subreddit, where I read that most paranormal activity occurs between 3 and 5 (I think), and since then my comfortable sleeping hours were between 11 and 2 am. Lol I know that sounds pretty stupid, and I know it is, it just kind of stuck. But is this feeling of paranoia normal? It seems to grow worse as it gets later, until I just randomly decide to turn around and sleep.

submitted by /u/christianggg98
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from Paranormal

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