Saturday 30 June 2018

Middle of the Night Visitor from Apartment to Apartment?

I've moved a few times in the last few years, from apartment to apartment. I lived in Virginia for several years and recently moved back to New York. In 2015, I moved to a newly constructed apartment in a really nice development in Virginia and I think that's where this started. Not too long after I moved in, I woke to someone knocking on the door. They weren't knocking too hard, but they stayed long enough to wake me up and then didn't stop for 5 or 6 quick knocks after I was sure I wasn't dreaming. The next year, I moved into another apartment in an older apartment building in Virginia. I was there for about a month before someone knocked on my door in the middle of the night. It was the same pattern - quick, urgent knocking that persisted after I stood up and started walking towards the door. I lived alone in that apartment and I was too afraid to check if anyone was actually there until the knocking stopped. After about half an hour I went to the door and looked out the peephole. I thought I saw someone, but looking back I think it was probably just the light and stress playing tricks on me. Anyway, I asked the police to send a patrol for the next couple of nights in case someone was trying to break in. It didn't happen there again. Between that apartment and the place where I live now, I lived in an apartment with my friends and a small studio with my boyfriend temporarily. The knocking never came at either of those places. I just moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend about two weeks ago and last night, someone was at the door again. The apartment we live in now has a shared front door and then a little foyer where the doors to my neighbor's downstairs apartment and my upstairs apartment are. I woke up to the sound of someone pressing the doorbell for my apartment outside the shared front door, over and over. I'm not really sure what I should do? Is this a coincidence? Sleep paralysis? Haven't asked the neighbor if it bothered him too.

submitted by /u/josephine_kilgannon
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