Saturday 30 June 2018

Do you believe praying to whatever’s out there works?


I was just wondering, do you believe that praying to whatever is there works? I am agnostic, so I believe something is there, I’m just not sure what. Several strange things have happened, including the strangest one, and I’m not sure whether to chalk it up to a really strange coincidence, or what. When I interviewed for a job, I just happened to ask who the person was hiring, and she gave me a name, and I told her that if she had time, to tell them that I had submitted my resume. Thinking nothing of it, I get a call within five minutes of submitting my resume, and it’s the HR manager wanting an interview. Not even a month later, I am at that job, and fully hired.

A week before, I was saying to whatever, and whoever is out there, whether it be a higher being, or the universe, to throw me a bone, and help me out.

Like I said, I don’t know whether to chalk that up to a strange coincidence that has never happened before, or not. I’m not even sure that I believe in coincidences.

On a more serious note, my girlfriend and I are going through rough patch right now, but we obviously still want to make it work 100%.

We talk about getting married, having a family, etc. etc.

It’s what we both want.

The main problem is that she’s scared of love, and being in loved.

And she is scared to love.

Without going into it too much, I’ll just say that her childhood was not the best, and she was never taught good relationship skills at all.

She really does love me, I can tell, but she gets scared, and is scared to fully, fully commit. I know that she wants to though, because it’s just a lot of things where you can tell. When we are together, everything is totally OK, it’s just that she tells me that she does want to commit, and she is frustrated with herself, and she’ll think I’ll leave her, if she doesn’t make a choice. This is obviously untrue, and I’m not going anywhere.

I guess my question about this, is do you think that praying to a higher power to help her, or print to a higher power to help me help her with work? What do you all think? If there is a better place to post this, let me know. :-)

Sorry for the long wooden post. :-)

submitted by /u/Wes765
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from Paranormal

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