Monday 1 May 2023

Flight Attendant Experiences UNEXPLAINED HUMANOID ACTIVITY at Downtown Chicago Hotel

An airline flight attendant contacted me about an unexplained incident that she experienced at a downtown Chicago hotel during a layover in December 2022.

I recently received an inquiry from a flight attendant regarding an incident that she experienced during a layover in Chicago, Illinois. I was soon talking to 'LE' by telephone.

'LE' has been a flight attendant for over 25 years and is based out of LaGuardia International Airport in New York City. She was born and raised in Little Village, Chicago, Illinois, and her family still resides there. She confirmed that she was Hispanic. 'LE' stated that she has been intuitive her entire life and that there is also a bruja practitioner in her family. (During our investigation, it has been noted that the majority of the witnesses of this winged humanoid are of Hispanic descent).

During the week before Christmas, in December 2022, she was staying at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile at 540 Michigan Ave. Her room was located on the 44th floor. Her room looked out onto E. Ohio St.

From the time she first entered her room in the morning, she began to sense that something was either in the room with her or observing her from the outside. She had stayed at this hotel many times before but had never experienced this feeling.

'LE' decided to take a nap. She was planning to meet her parents for dinner later that evening. She was soon awakened by 'crunching' sounds emanating throughout the room, particularly near the window. She lay still when she suddenly noticed that something had sat on the bed. She slowly turned and observed a bald flesh-colored humanoid figure with wrinkled skin rising from the bed. She immediately ran out of the room, into the hall, and called security. She said that she also started to pray. She waited in the hallway until security arrived. The room was searched but nothing was found.

'LE' reentered the room after security had left. She then noticed a scratching sound on the window. She described it as claws running across the window pane. As she walked toward the window, the sounds stopped. This same scenario occurred several more times. Each time she would draw back the curtains and look out the window. She sensed that something was trying to get her attention.

'LE' called her mother and explained what was happening. Her mother suggested that she move to another room, but the hotel was booked solid. She did tell me later that she had a strange feeling when she had been at O'Hare International Airport after she had landed. She felt that an unknown energy was following her. Again, she had never had that feeling previously.

'LE' admitted that she was aware of the winged humanoid sightings and encounters reported throughout the Chicagoland region. Apparently, her family in Little Village was also familiar with the incidents.

'LE' has agreed to forward any information that she receives from friends and associates about the phenomenon.

NOTE: Approximately 7 blocks from this incident I received another report in September 2017. The witness stated the following:

"I'm a former Chicagoan and I was on a visit last week. I stayed a night downtown at Sofitel Chicago Magnificent Mile (20 E Chestnut St).

In the early evening, I looked out our window from the 30th floor and saw what I, at the time, assumed was a maintenance man or something on the roof of a shorter building below ours. But, it moved too fluidly and disappeared too quickly for a man. It was gray in color and shape I would definitely describe it as a male (with no clothes). I'd say it was about 6 feet tall. There were no unfurled wings.

It occurred on Sunday, September 10, 2017, at approximately 7PM CT and the thought of it hasn't left me. I couldn't see a door or anything that would allow a person to slip out of sight. It was odd to see someone/something on a roof with no rooftop features like a pool or outdoor seating, and it didn't look like there was any window-washing, construction, etc. that would easily explain why a person was on a high-rise roof and then disappear so quickly.

I told myself it was nothing and forgot about it, but on a whim, I called my friend, who'd been with me, and he told me that there have been lots of sightings of humanoids in Chicago.

I immediately panicked a bit, and I have to tell you, I am very scared of things like these. I hope it doesn't mean any harm to me or anyone else. Luckily, I live in Nashville. Are these things vindictive? I'm a humble tarot reader but I don't want to cause trouble. AL"

PLEASE NOTE: There was a sighting of a winged humanoid flying over the Magnificent Mile skyline at W. Chicago Ave & N. Wabash Ave. reported a month later in October 2017.

I'm not sure how 'LE's' incident is related to the Chicago winged humanoid phenomenon, but I felt that it was important to document it. Lon



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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A Paranormal Life welcomes Carter Buschardt, who is a Bigfoot researcher, investigator, and author. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Carter Buschardt has been an investigator with BFRO for the last 13 years. Originally from Texas and currently lives in Missouri. He has had nearly 100 reports published on the BFRO website and has interviewed over 400 witnesses and counting. He is an experienced outdoorsman and trained as an investigator for MUFON. He studied herpetology in college. Longtime special interest in Sasquatch long-term habituation sites, burial research, infrasound, language, and stick structures. He is a true, boots-on-the-ground researcher/investigator and not a desktop warrior. He has met and visited the properties of nearly half of the witnesses whose reports have been published. He monitors and visits several properties with ongoing habituation activity to this day.

Author of 5 books, Sasquatch: Evidence of an Enigma I, II & III with 2nd editions of first two books. Carter is an active member of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team. His website can be found at

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

In 2018, the Chicago winged humanoid phenomenon spread deeper into the suburbs & neighboring states. One region in particular, in & around the city of Rockford, in north central Illinois, was the hub for several weird & unexplained sightings & encounters, This presentation will examine each of these reports.

Next week, I will detail more curious aspects of the phenomenon, including the possibility that other cryptids & humanoids may be involved.

The winged humanoid was first dubbed the 'Chicago Phantom,' but the media and the internet preferred the moniker 'Chicago Mothman.' 

I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.






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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler

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