Wednesday 19 April 2023


I received this unedited information, that concerns the local Sasquatch population, from a reader (EW) who lives in an unspecified area along Washington's Puget Sound.

"Last summer we hiked about 50 times locally and took about 3000 photos of Sasquatch and other forest critters. I've seen just about all there is to see and I am ready to go on the record. This is just my opinion.

While I think they are mystical creatures, I think there are limits. I do believe them to be a flesh and blood, warm-blooded human/primate hybrid, however, they grow old and die and can also be killed by accident or gunshots. They have some connection to cemeteries and I'm certain they bury their dead because this has been witnessed. They have great respect for their elders and they mourn when they die. Just like a walk through the International District of a city and the variation, Sasquatch comes in all kinds of looks, sizes, and colors, some more primate looking, others more bear-like, or dog-like, and flesh-faced human-like. They rarely run around uncloaked in the presence of humans. They cloak first, then move. They are up in the trees, they have scouts up there that mimic birds to disclose your location to other Sasquatch. They have huts and underground bunkers where they live and sleep. They tend to be in the upper lands where it is dry, not down in the swamps. They hang during the day often along the water's edge. Their highways are the game trails that run along the creeks in the ravines where they can travel undetected, especially at night. The staple of their diet isn't deer or elk as there is nowhere near enough to sustain the massive population, not to mention I have four deer in my orchard that are still alive a couple years later. The staple of the Sasquatch here I believe is some root they forage.

Their 'mystical abilities' aren't magical, just abilities that have developed through their independent evolution. Mindspeak/telepathy. This is two-way. They can hear your thoughts and plant thoughts, questions, and visions directly in your head. This is done in English. They are multilingual, at least Salish (their language) and English, as well as a myriad of animal mimics. I hear Sasquatch in the southwest can speak Spanish as well.

Zapping. Believe this to be some sort of electrical transmission to the pineal gland. It is used offensively to stun prey like deer and stun humans for abduction (involuntary sex partners). It is used defensively to stop you if you are getting too close to them. Zapping is person or animal specific. You can be standing next to a friend and they will zap your friend and not you. They did. Twice this summer!

Cloaking and the ability to appear invisible. I'm on the fence about whether this is the bending of light or a vibrational thing. Young Sasquatch can't cloak on their own, though they can be cloaked if an adult touches them or holds them. It develops later in their life.

Scent release. They don't inherently smell, they smell when they want to smell. It is a defensive mechanism to let you know they are there and to move you out of the area from fear. They, like us, create maps, use tools and create art (mostly sculptures). I believe they have the ability to use fire, but don't in order to avoid detection, which is their primary motive.

Shapeshifting/morphing. I have photographic proof that they morph from flesh and blood into stumps and do so often. It appears they do the same with rocks, water, and trees. Native American stories support this. I heard about it long before I witnessed it in real-time. It only takes 10 to 15 seconds for a Sasquatch to cloak or shapeshift.

Tagging. When they decide a human is safe, they can tag them. All the other squatch, even clans a hundred miles away somehow know you have been tagged safe. And it's almost like a GPS chip. They know where you are and will come to visit you, even miles from their homes. 

Interdimensional travel. I have enough eyewitness experiences personally to say they have the ability to move in 4th, 5th, infinite dimensions beyond our 3 dimensions. They can go back and forth from our sensory world to areas outside our visual, auditory, vocal, and olfactory ranges, as well as move through portals. Where they go, I don't know. They come in from out of nowhere and exit out of nowhere. There are other creatures that travel through these portals with them. I've seen them come in and I've seen them physically manifested by their side in full flesh and blood form. They appear to be allies, not enemies.

That is, from what I can tell, where their special abilities end. I would like to find out more about their portal travel, diet, language, life expectancy, and vulnerability to disease, from smallpox to cancer. This year, especially this summer, has been a real eye-opening experience that has really expanded our understanding of these amazing beings. - EW

NOTE: I'm hoping that EW releases their photographs and other evidence. If I receive anything I will surely post it. Lon



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Featured in this edition:

In April 2017, one of the largest cryptid sagas emerged in the city of Chicago, Illinois. The sightings and encounters soon extended into Chicagoland and nearby states. This was an unprecedented series of events, especially for an urban and residential region.

The winged humanoid was first dubbed the 'Chicago Phantom,' but the media and the internet preferred the moniker 'Chicago Mothman.'

I will discuss some of the early incidents that were reported to the original task force throughout 2017. That team later evolved into Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research. 

I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.







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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler

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