Wednesday 1 March 2023

New UFO - UAP Study, 'Sky Canada Project' is Launched in Canada

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CTV News informs us that Canada is following in the footsteps of the United States in that they are launching a new study into the UFO/UAP phenomenon. The project is entitled, “Sky Canada Project” and will be operated by the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada.

     A PowerPoint presentation (obtained by distributed amongst federal agencies including, Transport Canada, the Canadian Space Agency and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lays out, in detail the ground work for how
Canada will process UFO/UAP reporting. It categorizes the following:
  • Definition and Objectives
  • Clarifications: Sky Canada is Not…
  • Motivation
  • In The Media Recently
  • Recent U.S. Initiatives
  • How Can You Help?
  • Basic Information Needed
  • Timeline

Of note is the stated collaboration with the United States as well as the Canadian government's posture that it can no longer ignore the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Not unlike the U.S., Canada hasn't taken a serious, official look into UFOs for decades. "For 45 years, the Canadian government investigated unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Several of its departments and agencies collected sighting reports of UFOs in Canadian airspace from 1950 to 1995."

See the PowerPoint presentation here.

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