Sunday 25 September 2022

Why Extraterrestrial Intelligence Is More Likely To Be Artificial Than Biological - Astronomy Magazine

One of the greatest challenges faced by life is death, but machines don't really die. Sure they might break down or malfunction, yet machines have the potential to keep running forever. While Martin Rees is explaining an unknown, extraterrestrials, with another unknown, strong artificial intelligence, there's an interesting point to be made concerning expectations of our SETI program. Hope springs eternal when it comes to detecting biological life as Christopher Plain reckons this Star Trek-Style Biofinder Could Be A Seret Weapon In The Search For ET. Not only could this gadget detect life existing right now, but also life which may have existed thousands or millons of years ago. Sometimes the gee-whiz gadgetry isn't our own and may provide a clue as to whether we are alone considering Scientists Are Looking For 'Very Powerful' Alien 'Transmitters' Hiding In Space Images. And Becky Ferreira makes a point to note humans have a lot of space images already, making the search less of a grind for astronomers. In light of all these methodologies and gadgetry for detecting alien life, Ashmita Gupta reckons Humans May Find Alien Life In The Next 25 Years and Sascha Quanz elaborates upon that point and how first contact might be closer than one expects. (CS)

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