Monday 12 September 2022

U.S. Navy Says ALL UAP/UFO Videos Are Classified and Exempt From Release - The Black Vault

The Navy has refused John Greenewald's request to get any UAP videos released. The Navy cited the UAP Security Guide, whose creation John Greenewald had predicted would "deepen" UFO Secrecy, and the UAP Task Force claim of sensitive information. John summarizes the background, produces the denial letter, and has filed an appeal. In Navy Says All UFO Videos Classified, Releasing Them 'Will Harm National Security' Jason Koebler adds a bit more context and a seeming contradiction in the Navy's stance. John has had more (well, barely) success with the Navy's Range Fouler Debrief Forms and Reports. But again, that UAP Security Classification Guide (SCG) has reared its ugly head, and, though bearing some interesting "nuggets," the reports are heavily redacted. Over and "Down Under," Keith Basterfield's had some success (relatively?) with Further Department of Defence Emails re UAP. Keith presents and comments upon Aussie DoD responses to colleague Grant Lavac's FOIA requests here and in "The Truth is out There" - Australian Department of Defence Internal Email - 12 May 2022. Here there are fewer redactions, but it's clear the Australian government claims no interest in UAP and wishes the problem would go away. (WM)

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