Friday 30 September 2022

Two Airliners Report Seeing UFOs – ARGENTINA

Two Airliners Report Seeing UFOs – ARGENTINA

     The event occurred last Friday. Ham radio operators claim intercepting conversations among pilots reporting the incident.

By Inexplicata
Passengers aboard at least two airliners covering the Bariloche route claim seeing two or three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) last Friday.

Witnesses say that it was a group of lights that appeared before them as if 'greeting' them in the dark of the night. According to the La Opinion Austral' the incident involved two aircraft belonging to Aerolineas Argentinas, whose pilots were startled by the display.

Furthermore, they insisted that these were artifacts of "presumably non-terrestrial manufacture", and they decided to set the event on record.

The incidents were reported this past Friday between 11:00 and 11:30 PM in the vicinity of Choele Choel. The aircraft were headed to Bariloche, although is said that another heading to Ezeiza Airport could have also seen [the objects].

According to communications intercepted by ham operators, that same evening they picked up a conversation in which the airliner's captain made reference to "Polanco's UFO" in honor of his colleague Jorge Polanco [Note - Capt. Polanco was the protagonist of the Bariloche UFO event of 1985]

His fellow pilot confirmed the information: "I was about to ask you the same", he said in the transmission. In the course of the dialogue, they added that the points were seen "somewhat below the Southern Cross", meaning the constellation.

Experts dismissed the likelihood that [the sighting] involved Elon Musk's satellites, as the last Starlink unit crossed the sky at 10:45 PM before entering the so-called shadow cone.

* Translation (c) 2022 Scott Corrales Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)

* Special Thanks

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See Also:

UFO Over Rio Cuarto
Argentina: Locals Claim Seeing UFO in Rio Cuarto
UFO Caught on Video Over Mar del Plata
UFO Caught on Video Over Mar del Plata | ARGENTINA
Argentinean Roswell –The 1995 Salta UFO Crash
Argentinean Roswell: The 1995 Salta UFO Crash


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