Thursday 15 September 2022

Thoughts on the Travel Channel Special on My Life - Unknown Country

The author of Communion and other books on alien "visitors" touts an extensive documentary about his experiences. Whitley Strieber explains how the program, which involved his participation from its inception, has impelled him to review his life and experiences. He pleads not to judge adversely (and especially attack!) those who come forward with their abduction stories. He also maintains that the victims of an abduction can triumph over it, and that "serious study of the witnesses can help us gain some genuine insight into what it is." Jacques Vallee | UFOs: The Best Kept Secret has the famous co-author (with Paola Harris) of a pre-Roswell "Roswellian" New Mexican UFO crash book defending its historicity and covering a lot of peripheral material as well. What Vallee learned while researching this book has strongly impacted him. Jack Brewer's Skinwalker Transparency and Burden of Proof discusses Brewer's quest to gain records supporting weird doings at the place before the NIDS, AAWSAP, and History Channel investigations. And Marsh Gas? Maybe Not discusses Raymond Szymanski's presentation style, his books with controversial titles, a claim about a "new" March 1966 Michigan pilot witness, and Dr. J. Allen Hynek's motivations. For a more reasoned treatment of that last point, see Mark O'Connell's biography of Hynek, which I reviewed for the Journal for Scientific Exploration: The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs. (WM)

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