Sunday 18 September 2022

Should We Be Searching For Smart Aliens Or Dumb Aliens? - The Atlantic

In an infinite universe with infinite possibilities, at least by human reckoning, life is a certainty. Even if it's somewhere beyond the Boötes void. But what kind of life is out there? Intelligent, sensitive beings capable of reflection or mere dumb brutes? Adam Frank considers the possibilities while bemoaning how humanity might be missing out on the smart ones. For what it's worth, Mr. Frank has a grand science-fictional imagination! Meanwhile in a dispatch from the Very Large Array received by Kiona Smith, Wow! Astronomers Have An Intriguing Hypothesis For A Decades-Old Extraterrestrial Mystery and it's not a microwave oven but even with this new hypothesis astronomers are still scratching their noggins. Fortunately The Search For Intelligent Life Is About To Get A Lot More Interesting. A lot, and Jon Gertner gets positively effervescent over NASA's new toys and the new trickle of data fuelling our imaginations. (CS)

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