Wednesday 21 September 2022

One Night in Maracaibo - Strange Company

What for some reason reminds us of a title for a Humphrey Bogart movie is rather further removed in time, if not location. Undine relates an 1886 Scientific American account of what sounds like radiation poisoning from the skies. No individual miscreants appeared in this episode, but that was not the case in Truck Drivers Gustavo Gonzalez & Jose Ponce's Violent Encounter with an Alien, Venezuela, 1954. Yes, it is 1954, not the "1957" in the old Frank Edwards Eyes on Cinema audio. In Alien Abduction and UFOs: Why Are Grays So Common? Emily Zarka (Ph.D., Literature) uses the Grays as an example of "the monsters and myths that have shaped who we are" in this episode of the PBS series Monstrum. It's very informative, but some of us may grow increasingly irritated as the video progresses with its "sci-fi" subtext and lumping of all ufological interest as "enthusiast." The Vilas-Boas Abduction Brazil, 1957 expands upon one of the most famous early cases, coincidentally also South American, and perhaps somewhat corrective to Dr. Zarka's claim that "Most extraterrestrial encounters appear in the English-speaking world." It would be interesting to know whether the youthful Villas-Boas read or otherwise was a pulp science fiction "fan." (WM)

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