Monday 19 September 2022

In the Mind of UFOs - UFO Conjectures

Rich Reynolds says these snippets from Jose Antonio Caravaca's latest book "in no way, indicate the brilliant extent of [his Distortion] 'theory.'" The excitement and welcome news comes more from the possibility that a translation from the Spanish may be on the way to wide publication. Jose's observation that "The closer the proximity, the more the anarchy in the data" is interesting. Preston Dennett doesn't consider Jose's general idea in UFO "Landings" are Peculiar and Open to Conjecture (But Everyone Can't Be "Mad" or Lying). Preston thinks that in landing events "misperception" is virtually a nonstarter. He then relates seven cases which he rightly believes illustrate the wide variety of such reports. Rich takes over his own blog to discuss The Deep Pathology of Ancient Astronaut Theorists. Rich's "Conjectures" here are thought-provoking for those of us who have wondered just what drives "AA" proponents. And since There is a Quiescence within the UFO Community right now, Rich proposes that we ufologists stop waiting for the Government to "spill the beans" on UFOs, and ourselves "come forth with some ingenious ideas about where the UFO phenomenon exactly is right now." He has a point. (WM)

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