Wednesday 7 September 2022

'Flat Earthers' Go Gaga Over Chinese Space Photo

The 'Flat Earthers' are directing their attention to a photograph taken of the Earth during the Chinese Shenzhou XIV mission. The Earth's surface appears flat, prompting claims from believers.

A conspiracy website posted the following account with their explanation of what was seen, including their theories. I reposted it with several grammar and spelling corrections. I also removed the references and interpretations of the Bible and The Book of Enoch verses:

"Last Thursday Chinese astronauts capture the above image of the flat earth.  Apparently, the rocket engineers on the Shenzhou XIV mission forgot to attach a fisheye lens to the camera.  Yes, the straight edge of the earth confirms there is no curvature from two-hundred and forty-eight miles above the earth.

Why would China's Manned Space Agency release a photo of the flat earth?  Perhaps we give the Luciferian elite who run this fallen world far more credit than they deserve.  Also, keep in mind the Lord will always tip their hand.

Truth be told, so-called astronauts have never landed on the moon.  The best and brightest can only ascend to a maximum low earth orbit. High earth orbit is unobtainable because it is on the other side of the impenetrable sea firmament dome. We live in an enclosed system. And until death, we're not going anywhere.

Twenty-two thousand two hundred and thirty-six miles is the fictitious distance a geosynchronous satellite orbits the fictitious planet earth. Such an attitude would submerge all satellites in the vast ocean positioned above the sea firmament dome. Images refer to this layer of the atmosphere as the thermosphere, where temperatures reach four thousand degrees. Yet somehow twenty-five thousand satellites and three hundred and seventy thousand pieces of space junk haven’t melted or crashed while orbiting the earth ball at twenty-two thousand miles per hour.

Our child-like faith in astrophysics is breathtaking. Even the origin of the word satellite is steeped in the annals of a prolific science fiction writer who had his fictional word co-opted by the space program. Satellites only circumvent the first heaven of the third dimension below the sea firmament dome. Everything is to scale. Satellites are positioned in low earth orbit below the sea firmament dome. By their own admission, the International Space Station conducts all of its missions in a low earth orbit.

Numbers, numbers, numbers... The orbital speed necessary to maintain a stable low flat earth circuit is four point eight miles per second. Relatively slow when compared to the speed of light, one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second. Thirty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-three times faster than the ISS.

Astrophysicists postulate that the moon doesn’t rotate because the gravitational pull of the earth paralyzes it into a fixed stationary position. Truth be told the moon is a hollow, flat, translucent, crystalline, self-illuminating disc. One that generates a unique type of cold light. During a full moon cycle, the luminaries can be seen shining through the moon’s disc, confirming its translucent composition.

On earth, the temperature of radiating moonlight is always colder than its adjacent moon shadow. If moonlight was the result of sun rays reflecting off the earth, then the illuminated moonlight reflecting back onto the earth should be warmer. Moonlight is colder, proving it projects its own light.

In essence, the sun transfers or puts in one-seventh of its light into the moon, where it is stored, illuminated, and eventually extinguished upon completion of its phase cycle. The moon does not reflect the sun’s light from its exterior surface, rather it projects moonlight from its translucent interior. Repeating the cycle, again and again, ad infinitum.

One more thought to contemplate: If the geosynchronous moon is responsible for the tides, why doesn’t it affect the Great Lakes? Because they’re not directly connected to the flat earth oceans, therefore unaffected by the rising and falling of the floating flat earth.  Earth which is set upon the bosom of the great deep below. The variation in tidal height is attributable in part to the different configurations of adjoining lands.

Diamagnetism is the force that repels a magnetic field. For example, the ocean's salt water is repelled by a magnet. On my flat earth, the Sun and Moon act as a battery. The Sun has a positive charge and the moon has a negative charge. In essence, the Sun repels the salt water at low tide and the Moon attracts the salt water at high tide. These opposing forces cause the tides and constant movement of the oceans. The ball earth theory believes the moon’s gravity overpowers and controls seventy percent of the earth’s surface. All the while the earth’s gravity holds the moon in a stationary position. Now that’s faith!

The sun and moon rotate clockwise below the sea firmament dome as the moon alternates evenly below and above the sun. During the day the blue sky is visible through the dark part of the waxing or waning moon. Since the fifteenth century, there have been fifty eclipses featuring the sun and moon above the horizon. Impossible if the ball of earth casts its shadow on the moon. With an equatorial circumference of six thousand seven hundred and eighty-three miles, the sun and moon are the same sizes. It’s the reason they look the same size during an eclipse. Your eyes are not deceiving you.

The debate surrounding the shape of the earth could be easily resolved by flying over the South Pole. The Luciferian elite has brainwashed the masses into believing astronauts went to the moon six times, yet there isn't a single video of any jet or rocket flying over the earth's South Pole and popping up on the other side. Why?... Because there isn't the South Pole. And it's illegal. All flights over the fictional South Pole were banned in 1958. Known as the Nation-State Treaty, it’s the only geopolitical agreement the nations of the flat earth have honored for over six decades. The truth always hides in plain sight. For example, The International Maritime Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and The Air Map of The World all display a flat earth flag. Adding a layer of Masonic intrigue, the UN flat earth flag is divided into thirty-three Freemasonic sections. Although the South Pole doesn’t exist, the continent of Antarctica does have a distinct interior frozen border wall over two hundred feet in height, a three hundred and sixty-degree circumference extending sixty thousand miles, containing all of flat earth's oceans.

Magnetic North Pole is at the center of the flat earth. Not surprisingly the Arctic region is much warmer than Antarctica. The highest recorded temperature in Antarctica is nine degrees below zero. If the earth were a ball with a somewhat identical North and the South Pole, their climates should also be similar. Summer temperatures in the Arctic can reach into the eighties. While at the same Antarctic latitude the temperature stays below zero all year. The North Pole is a magnetically charged, toroidal vortex ring generated by a closed rotating curve, which is responsible in part for tidal fluctuations. The massive hole produces a vacuum and the toroidal vortex ring that extends from the surface into the hollow earth. Yes, the flat earth is also various sections.

The heliocentric theory postulates a round earth ball rotating through a cold indifferent universe, without reason, purpose, or hope. The Ancient of Days’ oldest book points to the truth. The geocentric theory is not a theory."

NOTE: Sigh. I don't usually post conspiracy babble, but I thought this needed to be mentioned. Lon

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The witness states that he and a friend were driving near a location where another humanoid was previously reported to us in Waukegan, Illinois. They saw someone walking wearing a yellow raincoat. As they passed, the person looked up. This being's face looked completely deteriorated, nearly melted. They remember seeing red sores and disfiguration...and the eyes were fully white.

Join us on Wednesday, September 7th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT





We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.









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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler

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