Wednesday 28 September 2022

Ex-Pentagon Scientist, Vallee & FBI Report Suggest Interdimensional Beings Exist Among Us - How&Whys

Vicky Verma assembles several sources—including "A Memorandum of Importance" whose "data herein were obtained by so-called supernormal means"—to bolster the "interdimensional" argument. Verma also thinks Jeremy Corbell's New Video May Prove Bob Lazar Worked At Secret UFO Base In Area-51. Again, not sure this confirms Lazar's more exotic contentions, but this article includes a (possibly interdimensional) portal. And Stanford Prof. & US Navy Vet's Claims Might Prove Wilson-Davis UFO Memo Is Authentic, per Verma. Verma gives a concise background to the "UFO Memo," and shows a photo of Project Unity founder Jay Anderson and Oke Shannon, whom Anderson recently interviewed concerning the Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson half of the Memo attributed to Wilson's 2002 conversant Eric Davis. Stanford researcher Dr. Garry Nolan vouches for Davis' character, and this one is a real puzzler. Now Joseph Trevithick has the "skinny" on another sensation that bothered us on the 26th, per Trevithick's Flying Saucer Appears On U.S. Aviation Intelligence Office Logo (Updated). The Office of the Director of National Intelligence says tersely its (National Intelligence Manager-Aviation) office "NIM Aviation erroneously posted an unofficial and incorrect logo." Um-hmm. Trevithick's discussion provides great context, anyway. (WM)

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