Wednesday 14 September 2022

Calvine UFO - A Tall Tale? (Part 11) - Professor Simon Holland

Simon Holland has more fun with the rediscovered 1990 Calvine, Scotland, "what's-it?" photograph. Here he considers a possible "fish story" hoax. Robert Sheaffer asks Whither Calvine?? and discusses the three most-popular "It's not Aliens" lines of thought. Upon reflection, whether any of these will "sinker swim" may never be determined. Ryan Sprague retells the case of The Tehran UFO and the Iranian Fighter Pilot Who Chased It. He also follows the main figure in the events, General (ret.) Parviz Jafari and later Iranian encounters, while attempting to connect the September 1976 Iranian engagement with an incident over Morocco involving its then-King Hassan II. And Nick Mountstephen takes us back four more years and nearly 8,000 miles' distance with From the Archives, 1972: Mystery Flying Object Lights Sky over Gippsland [Victoria, Australia]. Not only that, but the "brilliantly coloured object" was "terrifying animals and scaring local people." This old newspaper account does convey a certain "you are there" flavor to the puzzling incident. (WM)

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